Work At Home Easy By Selling Products Below Amazon Prices!
Do Vendors On Amazon Cut Corners To
Increase Profits?
Why would vendors do that?

It is because vendors on Amazon compete on price, not quality.

But are the health supplements sold on Amazon really worth it?
FDA Warns Amazon...
about potentially dangerous drug ingredients for weight loss products sold to American consumers.
What is Adulteration?
According to the FDA "Adulteration: A violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act which includes products that are defective, unsafe, not shown to be safe, filthy, or produced under insanitary conditions. It also includes products which are manufactured under procedures and controls which do not comply with Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations"
Below is a picture taken at Costco on 05/25/2024 which is similar to LiveGood's SuperGreens or SuperReds which does not have the "Good Manufacturing Practice" certification.

So makes you wonder what kind of corners are being cut by the manufacturers of products sold on Costco?

LiveGood complies with the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and with over one million members, why would they risk their business by selling harmful and potentially dangerous products?
** I checked the website for this product and they do have a "Greens & Reds" product for $24.99 each for 20 servings. LiveGood SuperReds and SuperGreens are $18 each for 30 servings.
What you need to know before buying any supplements from Amazon...
  • Quality: You can search for any product from "Collagen" to "Carcinia Cambogia" and you will find hundreds of products with a wide range of prices from as low as $9.99 to $49.95. Is it really worth your health to find out which ones are potentially dangerous.
  • White Label: With thousands of products sold on Amazon, many vendors cut corners by white labeling products where they sell products from another company and put their own Label on it. This is dangerous because many of these vendors don't inspect the manufacturing sites.
  • ​Fake Reviews: Many vendors know how to manipulate the system.  This includes reviews that have the "verified purchase tag". They usually learn how to do this from FBA courses.
Why Does LiveGood Have Better Prices Than Amazon?
You might be wondering why LiveGood can sell the highest quality products at prices below Amazon for similar products.

The main difference is that vendors have to pay Amazon for the right to list their products and storage fees for Amazon Fulfillment. 

When they offer "free shipping" just means that the vendors increase their prices to compensate. 

With LiveGood, the affiliates get paid on the membership fees, which allows LiveGood to ship products directly to the customers for the absolute lowest price possible.

LiveGood memberships cost $9.99 per month whereas, Amazon Prime is $14.99 per month and Amazon vendors get $0 from that. 

Amazon Prime is probably worth it because of the digital services you get, but LiveGood is better for physical products because they can offer the highest quality products at the best prices possible without cutting corners that could be dangerous to your health.
The Day I Lot Lucky.
How LiveGood Saves Me Over $100 Per Month Compared To Similiar Products Sold On Amazon. 
I have been taking supplements for a while, including one that cost about $130 per month. The company did have an energy drink and post workout recovery drink which would be $70 extra.  But the main product that cost $130 was a necessary expense for me because I felt the health effects when temporarily replacing this product for a cheaper option found at Costco.

When you are over 40 years old, you tend to feel the negative effects when you take inferior products and that makes me wish I was healthier when I was young. 

When it comes to your health you don't want to wait too long because you never know when unhealthily habits will start causing significant damage to your body.

You don't want to get the bad news from your doctor, which is why you need to get healthy today, and it has never been more affordable to get the highest quality products!
How Does LiveGood Compare To Similar Companies?
LiveGood Vs Q Sciences
LiveGood's prices are usually significantly lower than similar companies. This is a comparison with Q Sciences, but you would find the same results when comparing to other companies.

But the thing about Q Sciences is that they don't show the ingredients, product labels, suggested use, or the serving size. Sometimes you have to look really hard before you notice a package is about $70 for 15 servings.
Why Would Anyone Promote Expensive Products?
People promote expensive products because it pays the most commissions, simple as that.

With LiveGood, you can get affiliate commissions when you sell the membership which is only $9.99 for the right to purchase high quality products at the lowest prices possible.

Why would you trust anyone selling expensive products, when there are high quality, more affordable options like LiveGood?

If you are looking to work at home making money online or in person, ask your self this question:

Which is easier? Selling an expensive product to just one person, no matter how good it is, or selling products that deliver similar results at wholesale pricing?
90 Day Money Back Guarantee
One of the many reasons why people should try LiveGood is their 90 Day Money Back Guarantee.
With many companies have loopholes on getting your money back, such as restocking fees and only being able to return unused products. Some companies who have a 30 day refund policy, don't give you the time to fully try out their products and can penalize you by counting the deliver days.

LiveGood gives you a full 90 days to try out the products. 

While the membership and affiliate fees come with a 7 day refund policy,  you still have the option to pay LiveGood's retail price (which is still lower than most similar products), and take advantage of the full 90 day refund policy. 

The prices are unbeatable for the quality that you get, but I am about to make that better, especially if you decide to become an affiliate.
Become A LiveGood Member and
Affiliate to Get...
When You Decide To Become A LiveGood Affiliate From This Site, You Will Get Access To A Completely Done For Your System.
Special Bonuses You Get When You Sign Up For LiveGood Here.
Using A.I. To Grow On Social Media
The most important part about marketing on social media is being consistent.

This has never been easier.  Use A.I. to help you to create content.
Simple Script
Knowing what to say is the key part in closing the sale.

Learn a very simple script that works perfectly with LiveGood to close the sale.
Getting The Perfect Customer
Simple strategy to get qualified leads, so you can get started fast and keep flooding your pages with laser targeted people who want what LiveGood has to offer.
This should be enough for most people to make some extra income, but here are some more bonuses! 
Super Bonus #1
Done For You Funnel

You'll get access to a library of professionally designed, done for you pages and funnels just like the page you're on right now.

No Tech! Just grab your Live Good affiliate coded link and go get sign ups.

These are the same page we've used to become the TOP producing team in Live Good.
Super Bonus #2
Email Templates & Follow Up Swipe File

With these high converting pages, & the ability to find massive amounts of perfect customers, all you need now are some follow up matrix filling emails to send!
Super Bonus #3
Advanced Marketing Training
Get over 30 videos on how to promote your products without using paid ads.

Includes TikTok Mastery, Social Media Scripts, and strategies for  unlimited content ideas.
This is valuable training you are going to want to get even if you don't intend to promote LiveGood. 
Get Started Today
Before It Is Too Late!
You want to start taking care of your health today and LiveGood makes that easy with the highest quality products at the best prices. In many situations LiveGood will help you save money. 

It saves me over $100 per month over similar products. 

LiveGood has gown to over one million members in the first 13 months. So if you ever wanted to become an affiliate right now is the time.

As more people learn about LiveGood it will get harder to make extra income so get started today!
Work At Home Easy
4 Simple Steps To Get Started
Click any of the buttons on this page to access the LiveGood sign-up page. 
Sign Up
Sign up for the LiveGood membership. If you want the best bonuses, then subscribe to the yearly membership and become an affiliate. 
Wait For Email
After I confirm your membership please allow 12-48 hours for an email that you grant you access to the bonuses. Remember to check your spam folder just in case. 
Save My Email As A Contact
You don't want to miss out an any updates. Since I don't send emails very often, you will want to save me as a contact so future emails don't get sent to your spam folder.
Here’s A Recap Of
When You Sign Up For LiveGood Here!
  •  Using A.I. To Grow On Social Media ($97 Value)
  •  Simple Sales Script ($97 Value)
  •  Get Perfect Customer ($97 Value)
  •  Done For You Sales Funnel ($97 Value)
  •  Email Templates ($97 Value)
  • Advanced Marketing Training ($297)
Total Value: $782
For Only $139
When you become an LiveGood affiliate with annual membership.
If you are with a LiveGood competitor, you are going to want to sign up just to get the training. 
Step #1: Contact Information
Step #2: Shipping Address

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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

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